Thursday, April 30, 2009


Yesterday I was having some work done at the workshop. A woman came in and asked for a 'seven-hundred- ten'.

We all looked at each other, and the mechanic asked, "What is a seven-hundred- ten?"

She replied, "You know, the little piece in the middle of the engine. I lost it and need a new one. It had always been there."

The mechanic gave the woman a piece of paper and a pen and asked her to draw what the piece looked like. She drew a circle and in the middle of it wrote 710 !!

He then took her over to another car which had the hood up and asked, "Is there a 710 on this car?"

She pointed and said, "Of course, it's right there."

Now go to the photo below to learn what a 710 is..........


Women ? The mechanic fainted!! J

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Experiencing the Law of Attraction

We all possess a spiritual power that allows us to create the kind of life we desire and influence the lives of others. By managing our minds, recognizing that our thoughts have power and using that power for change, we can create great lives. This is law of attraction to our lives.

In order to harness the spiritual power that will have tremendous impact on your life and the lives of those around you, you have to engage in the thoughts, words and activities that create a sense of excitement and enthusiasm about forward movement.The first stage is not just becoming aware of how we think—we have to marry that with action. When we apply the law of attraction and then we take action to be a good steward, that's when miracles start to occur in our lives.

Although many times people become frustrated that the law of attraction is not working for them right away, However, that is all part of the process. If we had the ability to instantaneously create what we think about, we would be in pretty sorry shape on this planet,We are on this planet to grow and evolve as spiritual beings.

For example, many times people will apply the law of attraction to material things, like asking for a new car. There's nothing wrong with that—it is the first stage of learning to harness that power in your mind, As we grow and evolve over time, as our level of consciousness increases, we actually increase our ability to attract what we think about because we are better able to manage our mind.

When we finally begin to see the miracles working, we begin to want those same miracles for other people. As we get that our minds are all connected, we start to take action on a global level.

Friday, April 24, 2009

What women want‏

This is very interesting. ......... (To the Women) please take time to ponder...... To the Men)
enjoy the story....... .

Young King Arthur was ambushed and imprisoned by the monarch of a neighboring kingdom. The monarch could have killed him but was moved by Arthur's youth and ideals. So, the monarch offered him his freedom, as long as he could answer a very difficult question. Arthur would have a year to figure out the answer and, If after a year, he still had no answer, he would be put to death.

The question was:

What do women really want?

Such a question would perplex even the most knowledgeable man, And to young Arthur, it seemed an impossible query. But, since it was better than death, He accepted the monarch's proposition to have an answer by year's end. He returned to his kingdom and began to poll everyone: The princess, the priests, the wise men, and even the court jester. He spoke with everyone, but no one could give him a satisfactory answer. Many people advised him to consult the old witch, For only she would have the answer.

But the price would be high as the witch was famous through out the kingdom for the exorbitant prices she charged. The last day of the year arrived and Arthur had no choice but to talk to the witch. She agreed to answer the question, but he would have to agree to her price first.

The old witch wanted to marry Sir Lancelot, The most noble of the Knights of the Round Table, And Arthur's closest friend! Young Arthur was horrified. She was hunch-backed and hideous, had only one tooth, Smelled like sewage, made obscene noises, etc.

He had never encountered such a repugnant creature in all his life. He refused to force his friend to marry her and endure such a terrible burden, But Lancelot, having learnt of the proposal, spoke with Arthur. He said nothing was too big of a sacrifice compared to Arthur's life. And the reservation of the Round Table. Hence, a wedding was proclaimed and the witch answered.

Arthur's question thus: "What a woman really wants?"

She said, "Is to be in charge of her own life."

Everyone in the kingdom instantly knew that the witch had uttered a great truth. And that Arthur's life would be spared. And so it was. The neighboring monarch granted Arthur his freedom. And Lancelot and the witch had a wonderful wedding.

The honeymoon hour approached and, Lancelot, steeling himself for a horrific experience, entered the bedroom. But, what a sight awaited him.

The most beautiful woman he had ever seen lay before him on the bed. The astounded Lancelot asked what had happened. The beauty replied that since he had been so kind to her when she appeared as a witch, She would henceforth be her horrible and deformed self only half the time. And the beautiful maiden the other half.

"Which would you prefer? She asked him. "Beautiful during the day .... or at night?"

Lancelot pondered the predicament.
During the day he could have a beautiful woman to show off to his friends,
But at night, in the privacy of his castle, an old witch!


Would he prefer having a hideous witch during the day?
But by night a beautiful woman for him to share his thoughts, intimate
moments with?

(If you are a man reading this...) What would YOUR choice be?

(If you are a woman reading this) What should YOUR MAN'S choice be?

What Lancelot chose, is given below:

BUT... make YOUR choice before you scroll down below... OKAY?











Noble Lancelot, knowing the answer the witch gave Arthur to his question,He said that he would allow HER to make the choice herself. Upon hearing this, she announced that she would be beautiful all the time. Because, he had respected her enough to let her be in charge of her own life.

Now... what is the moral to this story?









The moral is...

1) There is witch in every woman no matter how beautiful she is!

2) If you don't let a woman have her own way, things are going to get ugly.

So, always remember:


Thursday, April 23, 2009

More household tips...

Ants Problem:
Keep the skin of cucumbers near the place or ant hole.

To get pure and clean ice:
Boil water first before freezing.

To make the mirror shine:
Clean with spirit

To remove chewing gum from clothes:
Keep the cloth in the freezer for an hour.

To whiten white clothes
Soak white clothes in hot water with a slice of lemon for 10 minutes 10

To give a shine to hair:
Add one teaspoon of vinegar to hair, then wash hair.

To get maximum juice out of lemons:
Soak lemons in hot water for one hour, and then juice them

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


To avoid smell of cabbage while cooking:
Keep a piece of bread on the cabbage in the vessel while cooking.

To rid the smell of fish from your hands:
Wash your hands with a little apple vinegar.

To avoid tears while cutting onions:
Chew gum.

To boil potatoes quickly:
Skin one potato from one side only before boiling.

To check freshness of fish:
Put it in a bowl of cold water. If the fish floats, it's fresh.

To check freshness of eggs:
Put the egg in water. If it becomes horizontal, it's fresh. If it becomes slanting, its 3-4 days old. If it becomes vertical, its 10 days old. If it floats, it's stale.

To remove ink from clothes:
Put toothpaste on the ink spots generously and let it dry completely, then wash.

To skin sweet potatoes quickly:
Soak in cold water immediately after boiling.

To get rid of mice or rats:
Sprinkle black pepper in places where you find mice or rats. They will run away.

To get rid of mosquitoes at night:
Keep leaves of mint near your bed or pillows and in around the room.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Looking for a hero? Look within...

Every time you take the risk to be true to your own soul - whether or not you name your action as heroic - your example helps others to do likewise. When you notice this pattern, it becomes easier to have absolute fidelity to your own path without fear that doing so is selfish. We can do nothing better for others than model the authentic life." ~ Carol Pearson

"The biggest journey can begin with a small step. The biggest tree can grow from a small seed and manifest its own true expression from the power within." ~ Plamen Lakov

"I've continued to recognize the power individuals have to change virtually anything and everything in their lives in an instant. I've learned that the resources we need to turn our dreams into reality are within us, merely waiting for the day when we decide to wake up and claim our birthright." ~ Anthony Robbins

"Self-trust is the essence of heroism." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cancer Treatment Under Weakly Alkaline Condition‏

I cannot verify the truth of this article but it is an interesting possibility. Thought it might be useful to have it translated into English to pass around. Here is the English-Chinese bilingual version for your reading pleasure:

Under weakly alkaline condition, cancerous cells will not be able to grow, or even to survive.

Actual case studies, very important, please read patiently and pass this on.

Even if you have read this before, you should reread this, especially the list of acidic and alkaline foodstuff , best to read several times and remember.

Please read this article in full patiently, it will be helpful to your health.

More than 30 years ago, a Mr Zhang who worked in the public sales department of a Taipei Brewery, participated in the brewery overseas study selection examination, and passed with flying colours.

Before going overseas during the physical examination at a public hospital, it was discovered that he had a tumour growth in his lung the size of a child's fist, and therefore was not able to go overseas to study.

The greatly disappointed Mr Zhang had always been suspicious that the diagnosis was wrong. So he went to another hospital for a check-up, the result confirm that previous diagnosis was not in error.

For the youthful and healthy Mr Zhang to be stricken down with such terminal illness, in his despair, he rang his old classmate who at the time was Taidong County Government, Huangsun County Mayor's secretary, Mr Wei.

Mr Wei rushed to Taipei during his rest day on a Sunday to see Mr Zhang.

Mr Zhang discussed with Mr Wei in detail his despair and pessimism, and entrusted his friend regarding his affairs after his death. Coincidentally, Mr Wei was a good friend of Dr Lu Geling, who was in charge of the Maijie Hospital, 1945-55, and specialised in the clinical research into cancer cases.

He immediately suggested that Mr Zhang go to see Dr Lu for treatment. At first, Mr Zhang said he preferred not to see anymore doctors, so as not to add further to his misery.

But Mr Wei told him that he had telephoned Dr Lu before to seek his advice and arranged an appointment. Mr Zhang felt obligated and went with Mr Wei to meet Dr Lu.

When Dr Lu met with Mr Zhang, Dr Lu said: " Mr Wei is a friend and introduced you and I to get to know each other. This is destiny. Thank you. Let me ask you do you know why is cancer referred to as terminal illness?"

Both Mr Zhang and Mr Wei did not know how to answer.

Dr Lu explained: "There are only two approaches taken by humans to treat cancer to-date. The first is to destroy the source of the disease. The second is to increase the capability to fight the disease.

But the strange thing is that, whether we use Cobalt 60 or other drugs to destroy the cancer cells, before the cancer cells are killed, the good cells are destroyed first.

On the other hand, no matter what nutrients or supplements we use, before the good cells have a chance to absorb them, the cancer cells have taken them up and it simply speeds up the growth of cancer.

Therefore both approaches are doomed to failure, that is why cancer is terminal."

Dr Lu continues: "Human beings are most clever, they have successfully landed on the moon. But why is it no one ever questioned the above two approaches for treating cancer which are nothing but self defeating dead-ends, and try to seek a third avenue?

When I was conducting clinical research in Majie Hospital, I had many opportunities to work with and being helped by many colleagues in the Hospital. I discovered that the blood tests of 100% of the cancer patients showed that the blood samples are acidic.

Those Buddhist monks and nuns who are long term vegetarians and live very close to Nature, their blood are prevalently weakly alkaline and amongst them, there has yet to discover any cancer cases.

Therefore, I boldly concluded that under weakly alkaline condition, cancer cells are not able to grow, or even to survive.

Mr Zhang, I would suggest that starting from now you reduce your intake of the acidic meaty dishes.

Take more of the alkaline food. In addition you can take green algae and soup made from water chestnuts with skin,

modify your physical condition, and try seriously to have a regular life style which is close to Nature;

If you can manage to stay alive for five years, you should have no further problem. I wish you the best of luck."

Mr Zhang followed Dr Lu's suggestion and seriously altered his eating habits.

Every day, he ate green algae, drank chestnut soup, be optimistic and did an appropriate amount of exercise, and went back to the same public hospital for a check up. It was discovered that not only that the tumour did not increase in size, on the contrary it showed signs of shrinking, and surprised the hospital staff conducting the check-up as a miracle. Five years later, the tumour had shrunk to such a state as to almost disappear.

After almost 40 years, presently Mr Zhang's health is totally normal, and living a very pleasant life.

Following Mr Zhang, a Mr Chen Tianshou, who was previously Head of the General Administration of the Taidong Provincial Hospital, was similarly diagnosed with lung cancer.

When Mr Wei heard of this, he told Mr Chen of the experience of Mr Zhang, and Mr Chen started to follow the instructions of Dr Lu to change his physical condition. The outcome was that he was able to recover fully from the cancer, just like Mr Zhang.

At that time, Mr Lu and his family have emigrated to the United States. After the two cases, he returned to Taiwan and met up with Mr Wei.

Mr Wei told Dr Lu about the experiences of Mr Zhang and Mr Chen, and suggested that let the two of them detailed their experiences to Dr Lu in person, so that Dr Lu could publish a report on his self cure body conditioning method.

Dr Lu very humbly replied:

"I am too old, besides, I do not have any clinical records of the outcomes. I would ask that you tell your friends and relatives, if they are agreeable, then please continue this experience and spread the words … …


One should take care of oneself but should also be caring about others, 85% of cancer patients have acidic in their physical condition.

· Blood of healthy persons is weakly alkaline in nature, with a pH of about 7.35 to 7.45
* 健康人的血液是成弱鹼性的,約是pH7.35~7.45左右

· Babies' blood is also weakly acidic
* 嬰兒也是屬於弱鹼性的體質

· As adults mature their blood becomes more acidic in nature
* 成長期的成人有體質酸化的現象

According to a study of 600 cancer patients, of their bodily fluid, 85% of the patients are acidic .

Therefore, how to maintain the weakly acidic nature of our body is the first step for moving far away from diseases.


Acidic physical conditions manifest itself in:

1. Skin without lustre

2. Athlete's foot

3. Feeling tire even with very little exercise, and feeling sleep the moment one gets on to public buses

4. Easily out of breath going up and down stair

5. Fat and with lower stomach protruding,

6. Move slowly and movement lethargic


Why does the body physical condition turn acidic?

1. Excessive intake of dairy acidic food

a) meat, dairy products, eggs, beef, ham, etc are acidic food

b) taking too much acidic food will cause the blood to become acidic and viscous, difficult to flow to the end of blood vessels, leading to cold feet or knee, stiff shoulders and insomnia.

c) When one is young and strong, taking suitable quantity of meat is appropriate, but older people it more suitable to have a diet which are primarily vegetables or small fish.

2. Irregularity in the pace of life will cause the body physical condition to become acidic

a) Irregular pace in life will lead to mental and physical stress

b) According to statistics, people who sleep late are more likely to have cancer than normal persons, by as much as 5 times.

c) Human beings originally lead a life with regular tempo in this world, it is not possible to store up sleep or food and not possible to change the order of living by mixing up days and nights.

d) Human organs are controlled by the autonomic nerves, and during day time it is mainly sympathetic nerves activities, and at night it is mainly the parasympathetic nerves which are functioning, If this order is disturbed and reversed, then diseases will result.

3. Emotion over tensed

a) Civilised society brings stresses

b) Job related or mental stresses

c) A person suffers mental stress, when the stress is removed and the person relaxes, sometimes this may lead to death, referred to as the syndrome of imperfect adrenal cortex function.

4. Physical Stress

a) Before any operation it would be necessary to check to see if the renal cortex does function normally. If the adrenal cortex is lacking, or if the stress imposed by the operation exceeded the ability of adrenal cortex to cope, it could lead to death or other undesirable impacts.

b) If it noted that patient's face is puffy, it would be necessary to inquire in detail the patient's medical history and medication status, for patients taking adrenal cortical hormone, extra care should be exercise when administering acupuncture.

c) Stress due to physical labour or exercise in excess, whole night card games, driving etc should be avoided as much as possible


Appendix: Acidity/alkalinity of Common food stuff

1. Strongly acidic food: egg yolk, cheese, cake make with white sugar or persimmon, mullet fish roe, dried cod.

2. Mildly acidic food: ham, bacon, chicken meat, squid, pork, eel, beef, bread, wheat, butter, horse meat etc

3. Weakly acidic food: white rice, peanut, beer, alcohol, oil fried tofu, sea weed, clam, octopus, catfish

4. Weakly alkaline food: red bean, radish, apple, cabbage, onion, tofu etc.

5. Mildly alkaline food: dried radish, soya bean, carrot, tomato, banana, orange, pumpkin strawberry, egg white, dried plum, lemon, spinach, etc.

6. Strongly alkaline food: grape, tea leave, grape wine, kelp sprout, kelp, etc. Especially natural green algae which contain rich quantity of chlorophyll are very good alkaline health food, but tea should not be drunk in excess, and best to drink in the morning.
6. 強鹼性食品:葡萄、茶葉、葡萄酒、海帶芽、海帶等。尤其是天然綠藻富含葉綠素,是不錯的鹼性健康食品,而茶類不宜過量,最佳飲用時間為早上。

Passing this on is also a Blessing!
