Friday, July 4, 2008

Sanity Vs Reality

Everyone was hit by this recent fuel hike.. In fact, not just the cost of petrol rises but practically everything else.
Cut cost, change your life styles, don't waste electricity, water,blah,blah,blah.
This is indeed in every household agenda. So, we are also finding ways to tighten or should say to counter the effects of this constant price hike.
My husband changed the electricity bulbs to the energy-saving type and uses a lower voltage. He took away 1 bulb from the cluster of 4 and are left with 3 instead. Not as bright as before but it is okay. In actual fact, kind of feel better and more cosy at the sitting hall..not as glaring. However, most of the time, when we are just doing fine with the 2 energy saving bulb on the walls. Yes, why need to be so lighted up when we are just watching the television?
As for water consumption too..the rain water is being collected to water plants, washes floor or even use this water in the aquarium. We also used recycle water for washing.
This time around I do not cook too many dishes for my family.. While most of the time there will be surplus of vegetables or meat left after dinner. I have cut down the variety of choices. Now, it will be just enough for everyone to go round..and no more leftovers for the next day. No so much of 'add-ons' food pack home for dinner..

Here as we are trying adjust... my dear father-in-law is doing JUST the opposite!!
He is wasting his food..not eating and throwing away food whenever the food is not to his liking, switching on the lights along the way up to his room and forgetting to switch them off..and leaving the tap flowing without turning them off!
Making drinks for himself and then leaving them around, forgetting to drink so pouring away and wasting his drinks.

This is is Sanity VS Reality.Insane to keep tabs of all the do and do not with someone who seems oblivious of whats going on. OLD AGE coupled with forgetfulness and a little bit senile...that is the reality we have to face while keeping our head and conscience clear when dealing with my dear father-in-law.!!

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