Monday, November 10, 2008

You need to think about ' Tomorrow'

We have lots of things to think about day in and day out. But many of us share the same problem—we don't think through how our choices might play out down the line. Be it jumping into home ownership without fully understanding the mechanics of mortgages or choosing to become a stay-at-home mom when the family income is already stretched thin. Money is important and financial stress can be greatly minimized with some advance planning.

Living in the moment doesn't mean you can forget about the future. Financial security often boils down to the simple task of anticipating the consequences of your actions. The goal is to make sure that whatever choices you make today you can handle tomorrow. It is always important to have something to cushion us from the unexpected that might crop out. Always advisable to keep some cash emergency fund for contingencies.

If you end up in a tight squeeze, the the most important move you had to do is to put on your thinking cap and start cracking your head for solutions. Refusing to open bills or relying on hope that you will strike it rich with rotaries/gambling or a prayer to bail you out of a steep mortgage won't help. The more committed you are to taking action now, the better off you'll be.

If your finances have pushed you to the brink, it's time to step back and go in another direction. For example, I'm a huge supporter of any woman choosing to be a stay-at-home parent but only if it makes financial sense for the family. If it doesn't, there's still no need to jump back into the workforce at 60 hours a week; find a part-time position to help you get on better footing. Every problem is solvable if you stop holding on to the past and embrace the decisions that make sense going forward.

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