Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Aready feeling old or not so old yet?

Feeling older than your years? Younger than your years? We all take for granted that we should behave and feel somewhat matured as we progress into our middle-aged or elderly age. However, nowadays children who assume adult responsibilities (worrying about money, protecting siblings) feel old when they're young. Adults under threat feel like children.

The difference between calendar age and felt age is particularly drastic for us. Especially so in those era without innovations and without the medical and labor-saving technologies we enjoy, many not so old would probably had withered and mellow down as though they are of the elderly age. However, to some of us, as calendar age speed forward, we virtually never feel our age, but thinking that we should can lead to disaster.

Anyway,if you refused to accept the fact of you are physical aging, or if you had been feeling very miserable about your age then I suggest you try this:

Performed a few imagination with your mind... Pretend that your actual age is years or even decades older or younger—you can visit different life stages. Here are some of the most useful era-hopping practices.

Get past the pain. Whenever you are overwhelmed by a strong negative emotion, your felt age is probably that of a child. The next time you are anguished, enraged, or terrified, ask yourself, "How old do I feel?" Give yourself a number to your age that you would want to be. This is the felt age of your suffering self. It is important not to demand that others pamper and cuddle you like a 2-year-old, though this is what most of us unconsciously expect when we are in feeling very down.

Instead, use the resources you have now (friends, books, phones, the computers,or even a camera) to comfort the hurting kid inside you. Become very young for a few minutes, and the child you were... will tell you what she needs.
Caring for your 'inner' child has a powerful and surprisingly quick result: Do it and the child heals. Then you'll find that feeling young can be an absolute delight, full of wonder, curiosity, and joy.

Go Back for the Good Stuff
One of the best ways to visit your very own child self is through laughter. It is reported that the average adult laughs 15 times a day; the average child, more than 400 times. You really need to have the real hilarious laughter that arises when you are genuinely tickled, physically or mentally.
Look out around you for anything that can spark this kind of spontaneous amusement. Collect them. Fill your home with them. Anything at all...be it poems, books, cards, songs, photographs, silly newspaper clippings, Web sites, etc, etc.

Now take three deep breaths while vividly remembering the best passionate experience you ever had. Just recall the physical details of that fabulously unforgettable encounter. Notice how your breathing deepens and your muscles begin to relax. This is a very good way to release tension.

Discover the Wisdom of the Ages
Think about the worst aspect of your present life situation, a problem you are not sure you can solve. Now imagine you are 100 years old..? But, you may be thinking, "I probably won't live to see 100." Precisely. You are already died physically, but your consciousness is still intact, radiantly alive. So this so much older 'You' remembers everything about your history, without any fear. (By the way, you don't have to believe in life after death for this to work. Just play it as a game.)

Watch the "future" You for a while. Notice how relaxed this self is, how free from stress or anxiety. Then ask about the situation that is currently worrying you. Say, How on earth did you handle this situation? Ask, What did you do when you were in my shoes? Say, When will I be happy again? Imagine you can zoom into the time tunnel with such similar advice. Armed with imagination and desire, you can jump to any phase of the life cycle. You become a wizard, free to enjoy every stage of life but trapped by none, able to age backward, forward, and sideways at will. Funny though...but by gathering all ages together, you will definably never able to feel yourself how old or not so old yet...

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