Saturday, May 3, 2008

Blogging a new passion

Passion can make your life 'richer' in many ways. By recognizing what makes you happy and simply doing more of it, you can create a life for yourself that's as fulfilling and rewarding. Those who have turned their childhood passion for whatever that they love doing somehow faired better and feel much more connected with their lives if they continue and pursue till the end.
There are many stories on how all kinds of people are transforming their passion into profits. Putting passion into your life and discovering and expressing your passion is the best chance for happiness.
The problem is, many of us just do not know what our passion is...Pay attention to the things you love that make you happy. Also keep an eye out for things that anger or frustrate you. Strong emotions are strong indicators there's passion in there somewhere.
Try new things..after all education is a live long process. It is never too young or too old to start learning and experiment new challenges. Yes, keep on trying and you are sure to bump into something which really makes you so involved. Something which let you be oblivious about the task of doing it. You simply love to do no matter how difficult it seemed. It gives you a sense of satisfaction and enjoyment which makes you want to have some more...

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