Thursday, May 1, 2008


Mayday is an emergency code word used internationally as a distress signal in voice procedure radio communications. It derives from the French venez m'aider, meaning come to my aid'/"come [to] help me."It is used to signal a life-threatening emergency by many groups, such as police forces, pilots, the fire brigade, and transportation organizations. The call is always given three times in a row ("Mayday Mayday Mayday") to prevent mistaking it for some similar-sounding phrase under noisy conditions, and to distinguish an actual mayday call from a message about a mayday call.
For me I need to yell it out probably 2 times instead of 3 times. The feeling of distress still arises every time... yet it is life-threatening but somehow I do not know how much longer the time will drag on. However,to be at ripe old age of 83, I guess my father-in-law hasn't got anything much he could complain about...
Getting old is inevitable.. it is a journey for everyone whether you will arrive in full health or frail health.It will be indeed a blessing able to stay healthy and grow old gracefully without much pain or sufferings.Especially so if you are able to take charge yourself, not creating too much hassle and burden for everyone else. Having said that, it is my wish for everyone out there to go through a healthy life especially when growing old.
But looking at the brighter side, sometimes it is beyond our control that crisis arises especially when life or death is concerned as in old age. At least, we had done our part and live our lives fully aware our responsibility. May God Bless Us.

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