Friday, May 2, 2008

Secrets of a Happy Marriage

Long-lasting, happy marriages have more than great communication. For a marriage to remain happy, you must genuinely be nice,good and supportive to your partner.
In happy marriages make small gestures, but make them often. The little things matter.What a happy marriage is based on is deep friendship, knowing each other well, having mutual respect, knowing when it makes sense to try to work out an issue, when it is not solvable. Many kinds of issues simply aren't solvable.

Learn how to identify issues that must be resolved, that can be "fruitfully discussed. Learn to live with the rest. Just put up with it. All you do is waste your breath and get angry over these things that can't be changed. You're better off not trying to change them. Work around them. Commit to staying together, even though this is something you don't like.

A long-lasting, happy marriage is about knowing your partner, being understanding and supportive.For every one negative thing you do, there must be five positive things that balance it out. Make sure to balance the negatives with positives. Your marriage has to be heavily in favor of the positives.

While it sounds easy...and while it can be commitment to being nice is no small matter.You have to do nice things often. But it's harder to be nice when the heat is on, when you're really so very angry, or when something has happened for umpteen time. Nevertheless, the balance must be heavily, heavily stacked in the positive, to have a happy marriage.
Also, couples must stay in touch with their special ways of repairing the relationship. It can be humor; it can be whatever helps diffuse the escalating heat. In happy marriages, couples naturally do this. They deflect the anger, and get back on an even keel.

It's true, couples in satisfying, happy marriages have more positive emotions in their interactions...including discussions of problems, Most marital conflicts don't ever get resolved,There are always issues around in-laws, children. Solving the problems doesn't really matter. What's crucial is keeping things positive. You have to accept the other person's perspective, have an appropriate discussion without getting critical or blaming.

Men in good relationships don't react emotionally during conflicts. Men in bad relationships are more likely to withdraw from the discussion. They might actually leave the room, look at the ceiling, or tune out the conversation. Wives in negative relationships also get entrenched in their particular viewpoint and ultimately feel greater anger and contempt.

Your attitude toward your spouse plays out over the long haul,Couples that have good marriages retain their mutual respect and understanding of each other...even during discussions of their differences...will stay together much longer.

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